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خدمات التجميل

ما هو البوتوكس؟

ترجع شعبية حقن البوتوكس بشكل أساسي إلى قدرتها على تقليل ظهور تجاعيد الوجه. كما أنها تستخدم لعلاج حالات مثل تشنج الرقبة والتعرق الزائد وفرط نشاط المثانة. يعمل البوتوكس عن طريق إضعاف وتقليل تقلص العضلات ، لذلك يتم استخدامه لأغراض تجميلية وعلاجية أيضا.

 أهم المزايا العلاجية والتجميلية للبوتوكس.

1- علاج التجاعيد وخطوط التجهم التي تظهر على الجبهة

2- علاج تشنج عضلات الوجه

3- تجديد شباب البشرة وتجديد خلاياها

4- يمكن استخدامه لتحسين مظهر الشعر

5- علاج فرط التعرق سواء في القدمين أو اليدين

الاختلافات بين الفيلر والبوتوكس

يستخدم البوتوكس والفيلر لنفس الغرض لغرض التجميل وخاصة عند النساء. إلا أن البوتوكس يعمل على الشلل المؤقت للعضلات ويمنع تقلص وتسطيح الحاجبين، بينما يعمل الفيلر كمادة حشو في الحشوات تحت الجلد، بحيث يتم حقن الفيلر لملء خطوط الابتسامة ونفخ الخدين وتكبير الشفاه، كما يساعد على تقليل الندوب.

كيفية إجراء حقن البوتوكس

1- يطلب من المريض الجلوس منتصبا على طاولة الفحص.

2- ثم يتم تنظيف منطقة الحقن بغسول خال من الكحول.

3- بعد ذلك يتم حقن البوتوكس في مناطق متفرقة من الوجه

4- يطلب من المريض البقاء في وضع مستقيم لمدة خمس دقائق بعد حقن البوتوكس للتأكد من عدم وجود مشاكل بعد الحقن.

الأسئلة المتداولة

ما هو البديل للبوتوكس؟

مستخلص الصبار وقناع البيض ، كريم شد الوجه ، قناع الخميرة ، قناع السكر والليمون ، فيتامينات الجلد.

متى تظهر نتائج البوتوكس؟

تظهر نتائج البوتوكس عادة بعد حوالي 10 أيام ، وتختفي آثار الكدمات والندبات بعد 3-4 أيام

ما هي أضرار البوتوكس؟

صداع ، ألم وتورم ، مشاكل في الرؤية ، ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجسم.

ما هو العمر المناسب للبوتوكس؟

في العشرينات: يمكن أن يكون إجراء وقائيا

الثلاثينات: يمكن أن تمنع أي خطوط تعبير من التعمق وتصبح ثابتة

في 40s الخاص بك: يمكن أن تساعد في تنعيم الخطوط العميقة

في الخمسينيات: يمكن أن تنتعش مرة أخرى.

أمور واجب مراعاتها

ربما لن ترى النتائج على الفور ، حيث يستغرق الأمر في المتوسط يومين إلى ثلاثة أيام قبل أن يبدأ البوتوكس في العمل ، وقد يستغرق الأمر ما يصل إلى ثلاثة أسابيع قبل أن ترى النتائج الكاملة

change your life

Best Options For Losing Weight Very Fast

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What is body sculpting and liposuction?

It is a process that changes the shape of the human body, and this process includes eliminating excess skin and fat or reducing it to some places such as the upper arms, chest, thighs and abdomen.

  • Benefits of body plastic surgery

Body plastic surgery is usually performed to improve appearance, improving appearance is just one of the many potential benefits that plastic surgery can provide. If you are considering plastic surgery, here are some of the benefits you may gain from your decision:
-Increase self-confidence
– Improve physical health
– Improving mental health
– gravity
– Excess weight stays the same

  • Liposuction

Although introduced in France in the 1920s, liposuction did not become popular until the 1980s. It is a surgery that entails anesthesia, cutting, and stitches. The procedure is based on negative pressure, like sucking liquid through a straw. A plastic surgeon makes small incisions and then uses a long suction tool to remove fat from a particular area of your body.

  • Differences between Body Sculpting and Liposuction

Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S. and body sculpting is seeing the most growth of medical devices on the market. Each of these methods has pros and cons that you should consider when choosing which one is best for you..

  • Benefits of Body Sculpting
  • Noninvasive procedure
  • Little to no downtime
  • No surgical risks
  • Lower price, depending on amount done
  • Preferred by those who don’t want or can’t have surgery
  • Benefits of Body Plastic Surgery
    Aggressive fat reduction
    More immediate results
    Possibility of combining surgical procedures

What i Have to Do Through Vaginoplasty

Preparing for a Vaginoplasty

Patients are asked to do a bowel prep prior to surgery.

  • What is The Recovery Time

It is normal for swelling, bruising and soreness to take about two to three weeks to settle down. It is likely you will experience some pain – your doctor should advise you on what pain relief to take.You may also be told by your doctor to wear an elastic body stocking for up to six weeks to maximise results. As you will be inactive for around ten days after the procedure, you may also need to wear lower leg stockings to prevent DVT (deep vein thrombosis).


Why us?

The Best Specialists

  • More than 20 years of experience
  • Helped more than 10000 patients
  • State of the art facility, with the latest and most advanced devices and technology

Change your life

Best Options For Tighten the Vagina

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What is a vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. An alternative is noninvasive vaginal tightening through heating tissues with radiofrequency waves or laser. Patients with significant laxity may not experience a benefit from these treatments and may be better candidates for surgical tightening with vaginoplasty.

  • What are The Results of a Vaginoplasty

This procedure typically results in a tighter vaginal canal, which can help enhance sexual satisfaction.

  • Reasons Patients Want a Vaginoplasty

After childbirth, women may complain of vaginal laxity, resulting from stretching of tissues and separating of muscles, sometimes to the point that a tampon falls out, and this lack of tone can contribute to sexual dysfunction.

  • What Does a Vaginoplasty Do?

A vaginoplasty brings the separated muscles together, and the extra mucosa skin from the back side of the vagina is removed. The external skin can also be removed for a more aesthetic appearance.

  • Anesthesia for a Vaginoplasty

While a vaginoplasty can be done under local anesthesia, many opt to have it done under general anesthesia.

What i Have to Do Through Vaginoplasty

Preparing for a Vaginoplasty

Patients are asked to do a bowel prep prior to surgery.

Vaginoplasty Procedure

  • Once the amount of tightening to be done is determined, a pie-shape wedge is marked to delineate the extra skin to be removed from inside the vagina.
  • Beneath the skin, the tissues are tightened with strong sutures. Once the vaginal canal has been tightened, the mucosal skin is sutured closed.
  • If there is external skin that protrudes, this can be reduced as well for a more aesthetic result.

Why us?

The Best Specialists

  • More than 20 years of experience
  • Helped more than 10000 patients
  • State of the art facility, with the latest and most advanced devices and technology

Hydrafacial is a non-invasive, detoxifying, rejuvenating and anti-aging treatment that delivers instant results and long-term benefits without any downtime or irritation.

What is Derma Pen?

Dermapen is a small device that looks like a pen, consisting of a group of fine needles that work to create small holes or scratches in the upper layer of the skin, whether for the skin or the face, and the price of the Dermapen is relatively average compared to other skin treatment techniques

The Dermapen device is characterized as a portable cylinder that does not hinder or restrict movement, and it is a device that can be adjusted in depth so that it is not too deep in sensitive areas, and surgical needles can be disposed after the session for the sake of patient safety

 The most important therapeutic and cosmetic advantages of Derma Pen.

 1- Reducing fine lines and wrinkles on the face

 2- Acne scar treatment and the effect it leaves

 3- Rejuvenating the skin and renewing its cells

 4- Reducing enlarged pores

 5- Treatment of sagging skin resulting from weight loss and liposuction

Conditions in which Dermapen cannot be applied?

It cannot be applied to people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as a predisposition to keloid growths, eczema or psoriasis, active acne, viral skin disorders (eg herpes, warts), use of blood thinners and bleeding disorders

Dermapen mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the Dermapen device revolves around enhancing the healing of the skin itself, as the Dermapen device consists of 12 micro-needles that pierce the upper layer of the skin, causing minor injuries in the treated area.

The skin responds to it by healing itself by enhancing the production of collagen and elastin in the treated area, which stimulates the growth of new tissues that treat various skin problems and gives the face freshness and smoothness.


Will there be any scars after the dermapen procedure?

In the Dermapen process, scars and spots are generally not a condition. However, such situations can be encountered when it is done by unqualified persons.

How many days does the rash last after dermapen?

Usually there will be no rash after an average of 1-2 days

Can Dermapen be applied to acne skin?

Dermapen treatment should not be applied after acne treatment.

Is it a painful process?

No, there is minimal pain. Pain can be relieved with an anesthetic cream

Things to Consider

It should not come into contact with water for 24 hours after the Dermapen procedure. Only moisturizing water creams should be used

A Carbon Laser Facial is a painless, non-invasive procedure with virtually no downtime. It rejuvenates aging and damaged skin, by gently removing the top layer of skin, leaving an amazing youthful glow, and skin that is smooth and radiant.

One of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures, laser hair removal may be the best option to get rid of shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair.

Because your Skin needs it. In order to treat acne, there are several procedures to choose from including laser treatment, light therapy and chemical peels.

Say bye to those scars and make them less noticeable. Minimise their appearance with the help of our specialised treatments.

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma treatment for hair loss, face, neck, and hands for a younger-looking skin.

Melasma causes dark patches on you skin, most often on the face. And while these skin changes are harmless, some people may find them bothersome. Therefore; our specialized dermatologists can help you look better than before.

Just as there are many reasons people get tattoos, there are many other reasons why people may want to remove them. And using laser technology, this is now one of the easiest procedures to preform.

Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove the excess fat.

Feel the change in your Skin. A new laser treatment is available that helps decrease the appearance of stretch marks by increasing the collagen production.

Get that perfect nose you always wanted with this minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting fillers into the nose to alter its shape, the nostrils or bridge height.

The Doctors